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Workplace Culture

The Key To Engaged Employees, Improved Retention, and Organizational Strength

by Sabu

Posted on January 20, 2020 at 12:00 PM

Workplace culture is a hot topic these days, and with good reason. In many cases, we've seen a progression away from a traditional eight-hour daily slog in a cubicle that for many, creates a sense of dread. Today, employees expect work to be more than just a means to a pay check, and with good reason. So what is workplace culture? And why is it important to you as an employer?

To begin, workplace culture is the "shared values, belief systems, attitudes and the set of assumptions that people in a workplace share." This can mean any number of things for the members of that workplace environment. However, culture is usually driven by the established mission of the organization, the accepted norms, and most importantly, the example set by the leaders within the company. As such, leaders need to be conscious of the standard that they set, as well as the priorities that they emphasize. These decisions pervade a company and can impact all sorts of things. But why is workplace culture important to us? There are a number of reasons, including, but not limited to, the following.

Positive workplace culture increases productivity. When employees are comfortable and feel that their work environment is inclusive, they are more likely to be efficient and productive while at work. On the flip side, a toxic culture can lead to challenges for employees and managers alike.

Companies that emphasize employee engagement and development are more likely to retain employees. When an organization prioritizes the development of their employees, they are not taking the focus away from their core mission. In fact, they are simply showing employees that they too are a priority, and a key component to the organization's success. Employees that feel valued are more likely to stay on with an organization, and dedicate themselves to driving the organization forward.

High retention and productivity lead to positive organizational results. The positive impacts of the above noted retention and productivity aren't just good for the people – they are good for the company itself. When companies choose to prioritize their culture, they are equipped to have better business results, as well as be capable of managing challenging times (such as change or crisis).

An increased emphasis on shared values, attitudes, and goals amongst co-workers isn't just important, it is critical to retain talent and increase productivity for the betterment of the business. At Sabu, we are deliberately focused on bringing our customers the talent necessary to help ensure the best outlook for your organization. If you are interested in aligning your business with outstanding employees, contact us for more information.